The Livescribe 3 smartpen has been released in South Africa. It is Livescribe’s third generation smartpen using Bluetooth Smart wireless technology.

Users simply twist a ring on the elegant black and chrome smartpen to begin writing and watch your words and diagrams appear in the companion Livescribe+ mobile app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

The Livescribe 3 smartpen lets users:

* Write on Livescribe dot paper and watch everything appear instantly on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch devices with Bluetooth Smart wireless technology;
* Use the built-in microphones on a tablet or smartphone to create interactive “pencasts” that synchronise recorded audio with written notes;
* Convert handwriting to text to create tasks, reminders, contacts and calendar events;
* Add photos and text memos to notes to add context and clearly communicate details; and
* Share written notes, photographs and diagrams as PDF files over Mail, Messages, Evernote, Dropbox and other apps.

“The app is beautiful, simple, and surprisingly versatile. It recognizes everything you write in discrete sections, treating pages as pages but also phone numbers and addresses as their own entities, searchable and sortable not only by page but by time and by their content,” says a review from The Verge.

“But what really makes the app special is something called “the Feed.” It’s essentially a time-based view of your notes that attempts to collate relevant pieces together. This is especially useful when you’re writing down short actionable items such as reminders and to-do lists, which Livescribe describes as “micro notes,” notes Endgadget.

Gizmodo wrote: “So you want to take hand-written notes but you don’t want to transcribe them onto your computer? No problem. Livescribe’s new Smartpen 3 is a magic for note-taking tool that automatically translates your scratches and scrawls into an iPad or iPhone app.”

“The smarter pen’s design shows how rapidly things have changed in the mobile device market. The new pen still captures your words and allows you to annotate them and turn them into digital data. It is targeted at serious note takers like business professionals and students,” says a Venturebeat review.

Livescribe now offers three smartpens to cater to different customers and requirements.