Local broadcaster e.tv is faced with the challenge of an ever-expanding need for storage, along with a worldwide trend for broadcast libraries to move from analogue to digital systems.

In order to cater to these demands, e.tv turned to Jasco Broadcast Solutions and the DIVArchive Content Storage Management System from Front Porch Digital to provide the solution.

This centralised digital archiving solution will enable the broadcaster to not only store large volumes of digital data and archived footage, but also index and track all footage, ensuring that specific clips can easily be located on demand for improved efficiency and monetisation capabilities.

“Video footage is one of the primary assets of any broadcaster, and in this fast-paced environment, time is money. The ability to locate and access specific files and video clips could mean the difference between a story airing or being discarded. Added to this, archived footage is also an asset that can be sold to other broadcast parties.

“If specific files cannot easily be located, this additional monetisation capability cannot be realised, cutting off a significant revenue stream. With the sheer volumes of digital footage that need to be stored today, and the demand for storage only increasing, a media asset management solution is essential for broadcasters.

“The DIVArchive system from Front Porch Digital is a globally recognised and acclaimed solution that provides powerful management tools for archiving, indexing and file access,” says Paul Divall, MD: Jasco Broadcast and Managed Solutions.

As the local agent in South Africa, Jasco will be working with Front Porch Digital to deliver an end-to-end system, complete with installation, support, integration and maintenance at e.tv’s offices in Cape Town.

In order to ensure maximum value can be derived from the solution, Jasco will also provide onsite training to all affected users. The solution will enable the effective archiving of legacy content, including legacy archives, raw footage, clips, stills and supporting documents, both electronic and paper-based.

“The DIVArchive system is a solution that has built a global reputation on integration with common platforms, reliability and scalability.

“It is interoperable with a wide range of broadcast applications, providing rapid access to archived footage, content protection and long-term preservation, redundant systems to protect data and innovative features such as in-line transcoding which enables digital footage to be converted to the desired format while moving footage to and from the DIVArchive.

“Components can also be replaced without disrupting operations, and a unique scalable architecture and ability to operate over multiple sites makes this the ideal system for e.tv to roll out nationally in the future,” says Rino Petricola, senior VP, MD at Front Porch Digital.

“With this solution in place we will not only be able to move our analogue libraries to digital format, saving physical space, we will also be able to more effectively preserve our content, and improve searching and access capability within our archives.

“Front Porch Digital DIVArchive is a proven product used by many major broadcast libraries across the world, and with Jasco’s reputation and expertise in the market we will be able to take advantage of a fully integrated, world-class archiving and content management solution,” concludes Nohra Moerat, GM – Group Libraries & Archives at e.tv.

The e.tv archiving solution is currently being built at Front Porch Digital in France, and will be shipped to South Africa for installation, integration and acceptance in January 2014.