Self-driving cars close to reality

A Gartner research report has found that self-driving and autonomous vehicles are much closer to reality than most people and businesses realise. Over the next six years, self-aware vehicles will emerge first that are increasingly also able to autonomously sense,...

Rectron scores 3D printer coup

Rectron has become the first mainstream IT distributor in South Africa to add 3D printers to its product line-up. The company announced last night that 3D printer manufacturer MakerBot is expanding its footprint in Africa with the addition of Rectron as its...

Firms fail to focus on the long term

Business process resilience is mission-critical, but businesses may be missing opportunities to fortify themselves. In a global survey of 330 C-suite executives by FT Remark and Wipro, nearly all respondents (98%) agreed that technology risk management is important or...

Crowdsourcing to understand DNA

What do the DNA in Australian seaweed, Amazon River water, tropical plants, and forest soil all have in common? Lots, say scientists. And understanding the genetic similarities of disparate life forms could enable researchers to produce compounds for new medicines,...

Is it a car … or a tablet?

Everyone knows that Tesla Motors doesn’t do things the same way as other automakers, but its latest model operates more like a tablet than a traditional car. The company’s unique approach to automaking runs far deeper than the Model S’s electric drivetrain, battery...

Siding Spring hurls past Mars

Satellites observing Mars took shelter behind the Red Planet yesterday (19 October 2014) while observing a close comet flyby. Comet C/2013 A1, also known as comet Siding Spring, passed within about 139 500km of Mars – less than half the distance between Earth...